Privacy & cookie policy
Update as of June 5, 2023
This page describes the management methods of the website www.falcisrl.com in relation to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. Pursuant to and for the purposes of the provisions of the art. 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 regarding the protection of personal data ("GDPR") and the national privacy legislation (Legislative Decree 196/2003), we inform you that your personal data will be processed through the website www.falcisrl. com. This information, drawn up on the basis of the principle of transparency and all the elements required by the GDPR, is divided into individual sections, each of which deals with a specific topic in order to make reading quicker, easier and easier to understand (hereinafter the "Information").
Following consultation of this site, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed.
The data controller is: Falci S.r.l. - Via Cuneo, 3 - 12025 Dronero (CN) - Italy - privacy@falcisrl.com
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is:
• Contractual obligations and obligations;
• Legal obligations;
• Commercial consent and use of the service
Your Personal Data will be processed by the Owner. All necessary precautions will be taken to guarantee the total protection of your Personal Data, basing this transfer on the evaluation of appropriate guarantees including, by way of example, adequacy decisions of the recipient third countries expressed by the European Commission; adequate guarantees expressed by the third party recipient pursuant to Article 46 of the GDPR. In any case, you can request further details from the Data Controller if your Personal Data has been processed outside the European Union, requesting evidence of the specific guarantees adopted.
Your personal data will be processed for the statutory purposes of Falci S.r.l. and, in particular:
1. advertising, promotion and commercial communication;
2.direct marketing;
3. technical, legal and professional information regarding technologies, services and goods of interest to Falci S.r.l. as well as web transmission, both in live streaming and through a computerized archive of films, images and sounds relating to popular content, conferences, debates, other public meetings, training, associative and similar initiatives, including the publication of articles, essays and other manifestations of thought also in artistic expression. The above, also through the sending of a newsletter (for the latter, see the chapter "OPTIONAL PROVISION OF DATA"), even if not periodic.
Falci S.r.l. undertakes to process personal data relating to Customer end users in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations and the following:
(a) in relation to the personal data provided in connection with the sales activities and use of the site www.falcisrl.com, Privacy Policy at https://www.falcisrl.com/privacy;
(b) with respect to any personal information of residents of the European Union processed in connection with the Services, the Data Processing Agreement at https://www.falcisrl.com/privacy (“Data Protection Regulation Terms general data of the European Union"). The Customer agrees to provide any notification and obtain the consent necessary for Falci S.r.l. access and process personal and other data as specified in this Agreement.
Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address and/or the relevant contact details, necessary to respond to requests and in any case inherent to the business purposes of Falci S.r.l.. The same applies to the compilation of any contact forms on the site, the data entered in which are only those necessary for commercial purposes between companies.
Navigation cookies
Cookies are small text strings that a website can send to your device (be it a PC, notebook, smartphone or tablet) while browsing. They are normally stored directly on the browser used for browsing. The same website that transmitted them can then read and record the cookies found on the same device to obtain various types of information. The data collected is processed using IT tools by authorized Falci S.r.l. personnel. and protected from illicit or unauthorized access, theft, loss and destruction with adequate security measures required by current legislation, until consent is revoked. For further details on the Cookie Policy in use on the Falci S.r.l. website, consult the information document available at www.falcisrl.com.
The subjects to whom the personal data refer, as interested parties, as required by art. 13 of the GDPR (EU) 2016/679 have the right at any time to obtain from Falci S.r.l. confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and to know its content and origin, as well as request its rectification, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or limitation of processing. They also have the right to object or request the revocation of the consent given to the processing of data and to request its portability (if applicable), as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.
No data deriving from the web service is communicated to third parties, except as provided:
1. For personal data provided by users who send requests for informative material, catalogs or other, used for the sole purpose of carrying out the service or provision requested and communicated to third parties only if this is necessary for this purpose ( postal delivery service, e-mail, etc.).
2. For personal information processed on specific pages of the sites covered by this Privacy policy, for which a specific information on data processing has been prepared (e.g. subscription to a newsletter, organization of events). No personal data deriving from the web service is disclosed.
3. For those who are legitimate recipients of communications required by law or regulations (for example, Public Offices and Authorities).
Apart from what is specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide any personal data requested on dedicated pages or areas of the site or otherwise indicated in contacts with Falci S.r.l. for the request to send information or informative material or for other communications. Failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain what is requested, i.e. prevent you from using all the functions of this website. The sending of newsletters is subject to specific additional information and obtaining specific consent.
Personal data are processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
All the rights summarized above can be exercised by writing to the address: privacy@falcisrl.com.
We will take care of replying to you as soon as possible.